ADS 468x60

Rules ,Regulation and Objectives

However the objectives of each an every educational institutes is to provide quality education, we have also listed and focus on following objectives to work as an:

  • making students understand managerial, scientific as well as humanistic aspects of organization and society through the comdination of theory and practice.
  • developing a general perspective of management and science from humanistic point of view for taking up future carrer in the fields of business, technology, government and non - governmental organizations and managerial consultency services.
  • arousing a sense of responsibility in them towards their professions to make them effective change agent in Nepalese society.
  • making students mentally ready for further studies in technical fields. 
Red cross Programme In Our Collage

General Rules Of Campus:

  1. Collage uniform is compulsory for every students.
  2. Students must take permission from the concerned authrities to go out of collage primisis during campus hour.
  3. Parents are encouraged to visit the collage during office hours to make enquiry on the academic performance and other activities of concerned student.
  4. Students must take permission from office in order to meet the teachers/ students during the class hour.
  5. All students must appear in all periodic tests conducted by the collage.
  6.  At least 80% attendance is must for the students to appear in T.U board and HSEB exams.
  7. All the students must abide by rules and regulations of the campus.