ADS 468x60


BBS Students with teachers in collage programme.
A student seeking admission to BBS programme should apply in the prescribed form for the admission test, within the time specified, along with a non refundable prescribed fee. The applicant should enclose with the application form;

  • Attested copies of mark sheets, equivalance, transfer and character certificates  (original migration certificates)
  • Two passport size photograph 
The admission test will br held on the  following areas:                                     
  1. verbal ability
  2. quantitative ability
  3. business and economics
  4. logical reasoning
  5. general awareness
The candidate applying for admission to BBS programme
  1. need to complete the PCL or 10+2 in business/commerce or equivalent course from a higher secondary school board, or from the Tribhuvan University or from any other University/Board recognizwd by the T.Y. He/She need to opt. mathmetics or economics as a full paper PCL or 10+2 programme.
  2. need to obtain have obtained minimum score in the Central Management Admission Test(CMAT) abministration by the faculty od management.
  3. need to opt. English as a full paper carrying 100 marks at the aforesaid level.

The field work is an essential requirement for third year students in all elective course of the setoral management area.
The students will undertake a fieldwork and spend two weeks studying and learning from the organazation within the time frame set by the department /campus. Then the field report to the class or to faculty members. The evolution of the report will be made by a team of external and enternal examiners appointed by the office of the controllers of examinations.

  1. Students must clear their dues before the 15th of each month.
  2. Those students who do not clear their dues up to the stipulated time will fined as per collage rules.
  3. Students may be asked to pay the tuition fee for four months in advance at time of filling the Registration form and exam form. 

The first year
    Subject                                                               Marks
  1. English                                                              100
  2. Economics Analysis                                      100
  3. Business Mathematics & statistics            100  
  4. Principle of Management                              100
  5. Cost & Marketing Accounting                     100
          Total                                                                   500

The second Year
       Subject                                                                                     Marks
  1. Accoun ting for Financial Analysis & palnning                  100
  2. Fundamental of marketing                                                      100
  3. Financial Management                                                            100  
  4. Foundation of Human Resource Managenent                 100
  5. Legal Environment Of Business                                          100
          Total                                                                                            500

The Third Year
  1. Any three course from Accounting Area   OR  Any three course from Finance Area       300     
  2. Any one course from Sectoral area                                                                     100                                                                                                        
       Total                                                                                                                                400